
We are dependent on your dues and gifts to support the work of the International Loehe Society. That work focuses on a conference every three years, publication of the proceedings, and this website. Please use the attached membership form to renew your contact information or to invite a colleague to become a member of the Loehe Society.

Please also make a payment to cover your membership dues: $30/year. If you would like to pay for more than one year, please simply indicate that. We encourage you to consider making a payment of $90 for the current triennium in conjunction with our meeting cycle. Of course, any gifts to support the work of the Society are welcome and appreciated.


Loehe Society Membership Form_2024.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 176.7 KB

This button only works for members in North America and Canada.

Rückblick auf die Konferenz 2022

Comments on the 2022 Conference


Database on the "Neuen-dettelsau Letter Collection"

Neue Datenbank zur „Briefsammlung Neuendettelsau“


A Film about Loehe

Ein Film über Löhe